Mom, You are enough NOW

How many times have we (mothers) declined dinner invitations out with friends because it coincided with our kids’ bedtime ritual, taken 40 pictures of them just to get THE ONE cute enough for facebook yet we don’t have a single picture to show of ourselves, or have been the last ones on our list of people to take care of? For years I was guilty of this, but something clicked when I had my second child. Unlike her older sister, this one was super chill and, knowing I kept the older one alive, fed and well-groomed for the previous 3 years, I soaked in every single droplet of motherhood. I took selfies with my beautiful girls for the first time. I put on lip gloss and actually styled my hair because I knew at some point I would print a photo book (a fete I deeply admired in my pre-natal yoga mommy friends and was always too preoccupied to do with kid #1).

This week I celebrated my mid-life birthday. My kids took blurry photos of me using their tablets and video of me blowing out my candles. I loved hearing them giggle through it all. But when the excitement settled and it was quiet, I put on makeup, styled my hair, put on my favorite dress, and took a selfie in my portrait studio.

Now in my mid-40s, my grey hair holds wisdom and I have self-confidence that I didn’t have in my 20s or 30s. My kids tell me that I’m the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen no matter what I look like. When I look at this image I feel that too.

Moms, it’s ok to come out from behind the camera.


For my daughters…

All my love,